Author - How to submit a manuscript
Editor - Peer review process
Review - How to review
Admin - Overview
Opus Journal - Explainer video
Before starting, what does one need to set up in Opus Journal?
You need to provide basic journal details, such as your full journal title, short title, ISSN and eISSN and etc.
Where and who insert journal details?
Your admin account provides journal details on page “journal details’.
Who and how can customize the look and feel of our journal?
Your admin account can choose an appropriate theme design, furthermore, primary and secondary colors can be set up, your logos inserted and do many more.
What are teams in our journal settings?
Teams are the way to organize and present all participant roles in your workflows. Under teams, you can create each team you may have, such as Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board Members, Advisory Board Excerpt, Journal Secretary to name a few.
What is the difference between Editor in Chief and Editors?
Once a manuscript is assigned to one of these roles, both roles have the same privileges with one major difference. An editor can only make a recommendation of a final decision, while Editor in Chief can make a final decision on their own and confirm or rejects the editor’s recommendation.
Where can we set up article types and journal sections if we use them?
You can set up these details accordingly to your needs under page submission in journal settings.
Can we organize Special Issues in our journal?
Yes, Opus Journal provides you with this functionality.
Can journal content be shared on social media?
Yes, Opus Journal provides convenient social sharing links on each page of your journal content.
Is a test site available for potential clients?
Yes, a basic test site can be arranged.
How long does it take to configure the system?
Configuration depends on the number and complexity of workflows, and the amount of customization required. Clients are normally up and running within 4 weeks.
How long does it typically take to begin using the system?
OpusJournal is the most intuitive open access platform and can be used immediately on installation.
Can I create Article types?
Yes, from the Settings Menu, select Submissions and Article Types.
Can only the Editors shortlist and invite Reviewers?
This can be done by Journal too.
Why can I not see the authors paper in my dashboard when they say they have uploaded it?
Proxy as the author and check to see if they have approved and submitted it. It will only show up on your dashboard once the submission process is complete.
How is data exported from the system?
The system can export data using FTP transfer, or using industry standard APIs. Industry standard formats such as XML or JSON are used when possible.
What is your archive policy?
Data can be archived for as long as agreed with the client, normally for the duration of the contract.
Is there a way to just set the required and minimum number of reviewers?
You can edit the number of Reviewers required by editing the ‘Review’ stage in settings. Here you can set up default values for Minimum number of Reviewers.
Once a Reviewer accepts the invitation to review, how can we change the review deadline?
From the Reviewers table, choose a reviewer, click on the calendar icon and edit the date. The Reviewer will be informed via an email that their task due date has been updated.
Can we specify deadlines for minor and major revisions for the Author to return corrected submissions, and also for when the Author asks an extension?
By modifying the TAT (turnaround time) parameters, deadlines can be assigned. Because the TAT is assigned in days, the system will count the days from the task’s assignment date. To remind the Author to complete the task before the due date, automated reminder emails can be set up in the journal workflow. If the Author asks an extension, deadlines can be readily extended simply amending the article’s Due Date.
What is TAT?
Turnaround Time in days
Can I see Users in Journals?
Yes, from the Journal Menu, select Users in Journals to add new users and view already assigned users.
Can a personalised copyright or license form be generated for a submitting Author?
Yes, OpusJorunal is fully customizable.
How do I send an article back to the author for corrections? one need to set up in Opus Journal?
The submission can be sent back to the authors by clicking the button “Unsubmit” short title, ISSN and eISSN and etc.
Can an Editor modify the required number of reviews when inviting Reviewers? details?
Yes. there is an option to override the default minimum number of reviews at any time. journal details on page “journal details’.
How do I search for suitable Reviewers for a manuscript? the look and feel of our journal?
OpusJournal has a sophisticated search for potential Reviewers in a client’s database. In addition OpusJournal can search a number of external databases for suitable Reviewers. primary and secondary colors can be set up, your logos inserted and do many more.
Can Editors view the current workload of Reviewers before inviting them to review? journal settings?
Yes, full statistics on Reviewers’ activities are viewable before they are invited. workflows. Under teams, you can create each team you may have, such as Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board Members, Advisory Board Excerpt, Journal Secretary to name a few.
Is it possible to add a new Reviewer on the fly? between Editor in Chief and Editors?
Yes, any potential Reviewer outside the system can be added by inviting them through OpusJournal. Once they reply they can create a login, or use ORCID for instant log-in. privileges with one major difference. An editor can only make a recommendation of a final decision, while Editor in Chief can make a final decision on their own and confirm or rejects the editor’s recommendation.
Can due dates be extended? types and journal sections if we use them?
Yes. Editors can extend due dates for Reviewers. journal settings.
Can Editors uninvite Reviewers? Issues in our journal?
Yes, reviewers can be uninvited and will receive an email notification to inform them. with this functionality.
Is it possible to extend the deadline to submit the revised manuscript? shared on social media?
Yes, Opus Journal provides convenient social sharing links on each page of your journal content.
How do I submit a manuscript?
Log into your account, then select “submit manuscript” from the side panel menu or use the dashboard button, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Do authors have to add each co-author in the correct order during submission?
No, in submission they can be added in any order and then rearranged into the correct order before executing submit action.
How to add co-author in the submission process?
The co-authors can be added using the author adding form available in the submission tab in the submission page.
How does the system handle co-authors?
The submitting Author may enter an arbitrary number of co-authors. Before submitting an article, the system can be configured to validate all co-authors using their email addresses. Co-authors can also be verified using ORCID IDs.
Can the paper be submitted by anyone with an Author user account who is assisting the corresponding Author?
Yes, a coauthor can submit a manuscript on behalf of the corresponding Author.
Should the submitting Author always be the corresponding Author?
No, a submitting Author can nominate another as the corresponding Author.
Can the corresponding Author be changed after submission?
Yes, you can change the corresponding Author on your paper. However, each Journal has its rules on adding and removing Authors throughout their submission. Please contact the journal editorial office for further assistance.
Can I use drag and drop to upload files?
Yes, the system supports drag and drop.
Can I submit a manuscript in a non-English language?
You can submit in most languages if the journal’s policy allows it.
Is it acceptable to incorporate mathematical formulas in my abstract?
Yes, with LaTeX, you may include math formulae, including sophisticated math.
Can Authors suggest or oppose Reviewers at the time of manuscript submission?
Yes. This is a configuration within the system.
Where can I see a summary of all my submissions?
On your Dashboard, on the journal page. The Dashboard displays the status of your submissions, from new Manuscripts in Draft to in Review to Manuscripts with Decision.
How do I withdraw my paper?
Contact your journal editorial office they will be able to withdraw the paper on your behalf.
Where can I see an overview of all my work?
Within the journal page on your Dashboard. The Dashboard shows your review invitations and completed reviews.
Can I reject any invitation that I have received to do peer review?
Yes. To maintain the Reviewer database clean and up to date, each Journal will have its own guidelines for how long you can be listed as a Reviewer before being removed.
How will I get peer review invitations?
If you are selected to review, an email invitation will be sent. The abstract will be available for you to then decide to accept or reject the invitation either via email or through OpusJournal.
Can I join as an Author to submit my manuscript?
Can Reviewers work offline and log in to complete the review process?
Yes, Reviewers can attach files with their reviews.
Can Reviewers do their work i.e., make comments or submit recommendations with in the system?
Is there an option to choose the Reviewer recommendation?
Can a Reviewer upload their comments as external files?
Yes, reviewers can upload comments in most file types.
Can users view their invitation notifications within the system?
Yes, the users can see their invitations notifications within the system.
Can the peer review process be kept open even after a decision has been made?
No, the OpusJournal doesn’t allow this option.
How do Reviewers accept or reject the invitations to review?
Reviewers can accept or reject the invitation using the email invite, or by logging into OpusJournal.
Are Reviewer comments sent to Authors in automatically generated emails?
The OpusJournal has an option to include or exclude any comments from email notifications to Authors. Defaults can be overridden for any particular manuscript.